Friday, August 10, 2012

News of the week


Avengers 2

It’s official, Joss Whedon signed up for Avengers 2. Well, how could he not ? However, considering how fast Marvel is burning through their directors, this is a good news. The guy who created Firefly … what more can you ask for ? And speaking of awesome TV series, now that it was confirmed that Marvel wants to expand their grip on the small screen, let’s be wild here and suppose that Whedon might get involved there too, that’s not one, but two excellent reasons for Marvel to keep him around.

Justice League Movie

There were some rumors about Warner Bros trying to get Ben Affleck to direct the Justice League movie, are you scared yet ? Coming from the magazine Variety I would take this carefully, nothing was confirmed or denied yet, but already even more rumors are suggesting that Affleck turned it down. This rumor would seem to confirm the logical step of a Justice League movie in the works.


Marvel Now

Last week, we were teased with names posters of the new creative team behind the “Marvel Now Initiative”, basically another “new” vision of Marvel’s heavy hitters.
This week we got posters showing off the most beloved characters of the marvel universe and a peek at what they will be faced with.

A quick note on this new armor that is looking really good, moving closer to the movie’s design and further from the Christmas tree …

Let the good times roll !


“Insane” was canceled

Guillermo del Toro’s game “Insane” was canceled by THQ. The studio’s money problem has already cost them two promising titles already. However, the rights were given back to del Toro, who might take his business elsewhere.

Bioshock Infinite in trouble

It seems like there might be some trouble for one of the most anticipated games of 2013. The development team is reportedly struggling to craft a full game that meets the promise of the early demos, two multiplayer modes have already been cancelled.

After pushing their initial release date to early 2013, Bioshock Infinite seem now to have lost two key members of their creative team. Tim Gerritsen director of product development and Nate Wells the art director behind the design of the Big Daddies, seem to have left Irrational Games, according to updates posted on their respective twitter and Linkedin accounts, but they are just the latest in a rather large streak of departures, which also includes design director Jeff McGann, producer Joe Faulstick, principal systems designer Ken Strickland, senior level designer Steve Gaynor, and systems designer Tynan Sylvester. This is quite a big chunk of the core Infinite team is no longer working on the game.
However all these departure seem to match the surprising arrival at irrational games of director of production at Epic Games, Rod Fergusson, to help finish the game.

Despite this alarming situation, creative director Ken Levine remains cool and declared in a phone interview with Kotaku, “I don’t think there’s a single senior BioShock team member that isn’t here”. Levine does have a solid experience with ambitious and successful titles, from Thief to System Shock 2 to the first BioShock and always came out on top, his remaining team should be able to soldier on to finish the game and blow our minds.

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