Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Bourne Letdown

Say what you will about the Bourne movies, they were decently paced and had a beginning, a middle and an end. The Bourne Legacy however seems to go in every directions expect the interesting one. The result is a blend mix of pointless scenes, leading to an uninteresting plot carried by uninteresting and unmemorable characters. 

I mean, spy movies, you love them, you hate them, but at least you won't get bored watching them. Or at least you won't forget what the names of the main characters are, watching the movie. 

This is what happened to me when I went to see the Bourne Legacy, why was that ? I mean the Bourne formula was used and abused since the release of the Bourne Identity back in 2002, but this isn't it. The casting is decent for such a movie, it is rather impressive even, Rachel Weisz is a good actress and Edward Norton doesn't need to be introduce anymore, so what does make this movie so frustratingly boring ? Was it Jeremy Renner underwhelming performance ? The jury is still out, he gets an Avengers pass for now.

First off, the movie is excruciatingly slow to begin, to the point where it doesn't really feels like it's starting at all.
During the final scene, when the notorious "extreme ways" theme is starting, marking the end of all Bourne Movie, I was promptly awaken from my nap in disbelief, wandering what the heck just happened in the last 135 minutes.

The other problem in this tale comes from the fact that all possible efforts were made to avoid the most interesting plot points. 
The extent of the relationship between Norton and Renner's character, the inevitable love story between Renner and Weisz, what really happens to Renner's character, now that he is fully super-soldier. All those point are mysteriously missing form the main plots, perhaps in account of the numerous, pointless, segways to the fallout of The Bourne Ultimatum. Also perhaps in the hope of a second movie, in which case, it would make some sense, the movie does feel like a long introduction.

Overall a disappointing movie, The Bourne Legacy isn't worth your time, I give credit to Rachel Weisz, who gives significant realism to her character of the damsel in distress. A major improvement over the previous Bourne love interests, it's just a shame that everything else was forgotten along the way.

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